Computer Science Enthusiast

Disco Tray STudios Web Site

August 26, 2020 | 1 Minute Read

Selecting a Web Template for Disco Tray Studios Website

During the week, August 19 through August 26, I was working on Disco Tray Studios Website. Along side my colleague, Lucy, we met on Friday, August 19, and juggled through various templates on the web looking for one that would fit our criteria. Specifically, were looking for a template that had a decent looking landing page, and multiple sections on the home page. In addition, we wanted to find a template that would be relatively easy to customise.

For two hours, we downloaded multiple templates, but we were not satisfied with each one we got. Some templates looked good, but they were not free. Others were free, but had a structure that did not feet our needs.

We decided to call it a day and met back again on Monday, August 24th. During this second meeting, we decided to do some more digging, and we each found a template we could work with. I spent time customizing the template of my choise, but I ran into a problem of making changes while developing and loosing the changes when I rum the project.

In our third meeting, Lucy and I decided to put our projects on github and added each other as contributor’s to our projects so that we could version control every progress we made. Eventually, Lucy figured out why we were loosing the changes we made, and she showed me how to fix the problem. After that, we cloned each other’s projects on our local PCs and made contributions to them as an effort to collaborate.